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The sickle-shape of the WaterDonut responds to the limitations of the SODIS-effect, that has prevented the use of big containers until now.
1. The deepness of the water must not exceed 10 cm, otherwise the UV-radiation will lose its efficiency. This limitation has avoided the use of bigger containers than 2l PET bottles until now.
The sickle-shape of the WaterDonut instead allows the use of a bigger canister - 16 l of water can be disinfected in every container now.
2. In addition the water has to be aerobic for the best result of the effect. To ensure the oxygen enrichment first fill the can half, shake the air into the water, then fill it completely. When, however, the WaterDonut is clipped together its shape of a barrel allows to roll it.
That makes it possible even for weak persons to „shake-in“ the oxygen and to transport it by rolling.